7 Reasons to Eat Dragon Fruit

​Talking about reasons to eat dragon fruit, it is necessary to understand the basics about dragon fruit, the name implies, that dragon fruit has a resemblance to one. It is found on the climbing Hylocereus cactus, which is native to tropical climates. The dragon fruit’s exterior is colored in hues of pink, yellow, and red. Their leaves feature spikes that shoot out like a flame surrounding the fruit, giving them a dragon-like appearance.

Nutmeg seeds are scattered throughout the white, semi-solid flesh of a dragon fruit, which is edible with a spoon. The seeds have a nutty flavor, while the flesh is luscious and slightly sweet. Dragon fruit has a lot of advantages, which we shall go over in the following blog posts.

reasons to eat dragon fruit

Important reasons to eat dragon fruit

Healthy Heart

Because dragon fruit contains betalains, it can raise good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol. Its high monounsaturated fat content contributes to heart health. Additionally, it contains a high concentration of flavonoids, which are heart-healthy antioxidant pigments. The heart benefits from the omega-3 and omega-9 lipids found in abundance in the little black seeds.

The antioxidants present in it maintain the blood circulation in the body and reduce the hardness of the arteries, which reduces the risk of a heart attack. Additionally, this fruit is rich in the right amount of monounsaturated fat, which is necessary to keep your heart healthy.

Rich in fiber

It is an excellent method for clearing the digestive tract. Due to its high fiber content and ability to cleanse the digestive system, dragon fruit helps prevent constipation and poor digestion. The kind of fiber it contains may even help lower the risk of heart disease, some malignancies, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Prebiotics, which work as fertilizer for the beneficial bacteria in the stomach, are also present in it.

​The combination of soluble and insoluble fiber in dragon fruit supports digestive health. It adds bulk to the stool, helps prevent constipation, and supports a healthy gut microbiome.

beautiful skin

Beautiful Skin

​The fruit is loaded with vitamin B3 which enables it to soothe sunburnt skin and provide instant relief from the inflammation, redness, and itchiness caused by the harsh ultraviolet rays. Moreover, it protects the skin from harmful sun rays.

Dragon fruit’s vitamin C benefits you in ways other than increased immunity. Additionally, it promotes the formation of collagen, which keeps skin feeling and appearing youthful and supple.

The goodness of dragon fruit to the skin is as follows: it hydrates the skin, treats acne, prevents radical damage, fights premature aging, acts as a moisturizer, and improves skin tone and texture.

Healthy bones

Because dragon fruit reduces arthritis and contains a significant amount of magnesium, which is necessary for strong, healthy bones, some refer to it as the “anti-inflammatory fruit.”

The high level of calcium and magnesium in dragon fruit makes it a good source to support healthy bones.

Calcium helps to improve bone density, ‌increasing the strength of the bones. Magnesium is a supporting agent that aids in calcium absorption, so magnesium is vital for preventing bone-related problems and enriching bone density.

The Iron Man

Iron is necessary for the body to break down food into energy and to transport oxygen to every region of the body. It is the engine of growth, development, and metabolism. In addition to having a high vitamin C content, dragon fruit also has a high iron content, which improves iron absorption.

dragon fruit for diabetes

Good in diabetes

Because we foodies have a penchant for rich, sugary, and heavy foods, we want to monitor our blood sugar levels. Dragon fruit can prevent diabetes and even help control blood sugar levels. Fruit fiber has the potential to control diabetes and prevent blood sugar rises.

​Dragon fruit has a low GI between 48-52, but even so, if you have Type 2 diabetes you cannot eat too much of it. It is best to eat one fruit a day. Don’t combine it with a meal.


Hydroxycinnamates, an antioxidant found in dragon fruit, may help prevent cancer. Moreover, it contains lycopene, which is generally present in tomatoes and helps shield the body from toxins, both natural and synthetic. Because of its high antioxidant content, dragon fruit is excellent at reducing inflammation and cell damage.

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